PAUL, WSHARMA, CP2017-03-102017-03-10199417 ,6;1065-107010.1007/BF02757583 alcohol) is a hydrogel which is extensively studied for a variety of biomedical applications. Membranes developed from crosslinked poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is having excellent permeability to solutes. However its wet breaking strength is low. Polyetherurethaneurea (PEUU), having an excellent mechanical strength is blended with PVA as a reinforcement, and membranes developed are studied for its permeability and mechanical strength. The optimum membrane selected, is having permeability and wet breaking strength almost equal to the commercially available cellulose acetate membrane.Materials SciencePOLYETHERURETHANEUREA REINFORCED POLY(VINYL ALCOHOL) DIALYSIS MEMBRANES - STUDIES ON PERMEABILITY AND MECHANICAL STRENGTH