Saktheeswaran, MKKrishnamoorthy, KMSivasankaran, S2017-03-102017-03-10201525 ,6;1203-120510.1017/S1047951114001668 of the left subclavian artery is a rare anomaly associated with acyanotic CHDs and right aortic arch. This condition can be asymptomatic or can present with neurological and left upper-limb ischaemic symptoms; it does not form a vascular ring. Treatment options include implantation of the subclavian artery to the aortic arch vessels and closure of the patent ductus arteriosus to prevent pulmonary run off. Here we describe a child who was incidentally detected to have this condition during evaluation of atrial septal defect for device closure.Cardiovascular System & Cardiology; PediatricsIsolation of the left subclavian artery: a rare aortic arch anomaly