Rekha, TSingh, PUnnikrishnan, BMithra, PPKumar, NPrasad, KDVRaina, VPapanna, MKKulkarni, V2017-03-102017-03-10201317 ,5;621-62310.5588/ijtld.12.0495 Safe sputum disposal practices minimise the spread of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB). OBJECTIVES: To study the perceptions and practices of sputum disposal among PTB patients. METHODOLOGY: This study was conducted among 206 diagnosed sputum-positive TB patients registered in selected DOTS centres in Mangalore. RESULTS: Safe sputum disposal practice was followed by 50% of the subjects: it was higher among females (62%), patients of middle socio-economic status (75.5%) and those with a family history of TB (70%). Furthermore, 75% patients believed that TB was caused by several factors. CONCLUSIONS: High proportions of subjects were unaware about the causes of TB and did not practise safe disposal of sputum.Infectious Diseases; Respiratory SystemSputum collection and disposal among pulmonary tuberculosis patients in coastal South India