Gadhinglajkar, SVSreedhar, RBhattacharya, RN2012-12-042012-12-042003JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGICAL ANESTHESIOLOGY. 15; 4; 323-326 authors describe two patients who suffered carotid artery injury during transsphenoidal resection of a pituitary tumor. Anesthesiologists were involved in resuscitation after initial hemorrhage, in securing the airway, in initiating cerebral protection strategies, and in transporting these patients. Anesthesia was provided for resection of the tumors, removal of packs from the pituitary fossae, and diagnostic and therapeutic radiologic procedures. In each case hemostasis was achieved by packing the sella turcica, sphenoid sinus, and nostrils. Both patients were electively ventilated. In one patient, a pseudoaneurysm of the carotid artery was detected by angiography in the operating room. It was treated by trapping the internal carotid artery. The other patient developed a carotid-cavernous fistula, which was treated by balloon embolization. Both patients were discharged after dealing with these complications.AnaesthesiaCarotid artery injury during transsphenoidal resection of pituitary tumor: Anesthesia perspective