Krishnakumar, NMisra, MDora, SBohora, SR2017-03-102017-03-102007117 ,2;270-27210.1016/j.ijcard.2006.02.016 25-year old acyanotic lady with unclear pulmonary venous drainage and a dilated coronary sinus was catheterized. Left pulmonary veins drained into coronary sinus in a left pulmonary vein angiogram done through the coronary sinus with a National Institute of Health 7F catheter. After the angiogram, the catheter got entrapped in a coronary sinus tributary and could be removed only by surgery. The left pulmonary veins were rerouted into the left atrium by unroofing the coronary sinus. Surgery is the treatment of choice for entrapped catheters when the primary condition itself merits surgical correction. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Cardiovascular System & CardiologyEntrapped catheter in the left ventricular posterior venous radicle of the coronary sinus in a case of hemianomalous pulmonary venous connection of left pulmonary veins to coronary sinus