Joseph, ESandhyamani, SRao, MBNair, SRadhakrishnan, VV2017-03-102017-03-10200048 ,4;338-342 this retrospective study, 382 operated cases of meningiomas were reviewed, 32 cases (8.3%) were histopathologically classified as atypical meningioma, The anatomical locations and histological features in all the thirty-two cases were correlated with their recurrence rates and biological behaviour. The overall recurrence rate for atypical meningioma within two years was 28% as compared to 9.3% in benign meningiomas. It is being emphasized that an accurate histopathological interpretation of atypical meningioma is essential for predicting the recurrence, biological behavior as well as postoperative management modalities.Neurosciences & NeurologyAtypical meningioma: A clinicopathological analysis