Megha, KBJoseph, XAkhil, VMohanan, PV2021-10-042021-10-042021-10Megha KB, Joseph X , Akhil V , Mohanan PV. Cascade of immune mechanism and consequences of inflammatory disorders. Phytomedicine. 2021 Oct; 91:153712 responses arise as an outcome of tissues or organs exposure towards harmful stimuli like injury, toxic chemicals or pathogenic microorganism. It is a complex cascade of immune mechanism to overcome from tissue injury and to initiate the healing process by recruiting various immune cells, chemical mediators such as the vasoactive peptides and amines, pro-inflammatory cytokines, eicosanoids and acute-phase proteins to prevent tissue damage and ultimately complete restoration of the tissue function. The cytokines exhibits a central function in communication between the cells, inflammatory response initiation, amplification and their regulation. This review covers the importance of inflammatory responses; the significance of cytokines in inflammation and numerous inflammatory disorders/ailments due to the abrupt expression of cytokines and the hyper-inflammatory response or cytokine storm associated with poor prognosis in COVID-19 pandemic. Also highlighting the importance of naturally derived anti-inflammatory metabolites to overcome the side-effects of currently prevailing anti-inflammatory drugs.Cytokines; Inflammatory response; Interferon; Interleukins.Cascade of immune mechanism and consequences of inflammatory disordersArticle