THOMAS, SVSOMANATHAN, NRADHAKUMARI, R2012-12-042012-12-041995ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY AND CLINICAL NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 94; 4; 271-275 pathogenesis of seizures and encephalopathy in eclampsia remains obscure even today. There are only a few reports on EEG findings in eclampsia. This is a report of the interictal EEG changes in 8 patients with eclampsia who were evaluated prospectively. The major EEG changes observed were (1) slowing of the background activity (generalized slowing in 4 patients and focal slowing in 3 patients) and (2) intermittent spike and sharp wave transients (5 patients). These abnormalities had disappeared in all except 2 patients when the EEG was repeated on the seventh day. A comparison is drawn between eclampsia and hypertensive encephalopathy for the clinical, EEG and CT/MRI findings. The pathogenesis of seizures and encephalopathy could be similar in these two conditions. it is worth while considering these EEG changes while planning the treatment of eclampsia.NeurologyINTERICTAL EEG CHANGES IN ECLAMPSIA