BHUVANESWARAN, JSVENKITACHALAM, CGSANDHYAMANI, S2012-12-042012-12-041993INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. 39; 3; 209-212 subacute pulmonary embolism leading to pulmonary arterial hypertension is an uncommon presentation of malignancy. We describe one such patient who presented to us with features of pre-capillary pulmonary arterial hypertension. A novel yet simple technique, involving pulmonary wedge aspiration cytology, provided the tissue diagnosis of trophoblastic malignancy, thus enabling prompt institution of chemotherapy and consequent impressive clinical improvement. This technique appears to be a hitherto unreported indication for intravascular catheterisation in the diagnostic work up of pulmonary arterial hypertension.CardiologyPULMONARY WEDGE ASPIRATION CYTOLOGY IN THE DIAGNOSIS OF RECURRENT TUMOR EMBOLISM CAUSING PULMONARY ARTERIAL-HYPERTENSION