RADHAKRISHNAN, VVRADHAKRISHNAN, NSROUT, DMISNA, BK2012-12-042012-12-041993BRITISH JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. 7; 4; 377-381http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/02688699309103491http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8216907https://dspace.sctimst.ac.in/handle/123456789/805Paraffin sections of 305 meningeal tumours were analysed for the presence of nucleolar organizer region (Ag-NOR) in the neoplastic cells, using a one step silver-colloidal staining method. The mean (+/- SEM) Ag-NOR counts were 2.73 +/- 0.21 for atypical and 2.91 +/- 0.18 for papillary variants of meningioma. In meningotheliomatous and transitional variants of meningioma, the mean Ag-NOR counts were 1.41 +/- 0.34 and 1.38 +/- 0.31, respectively. The recurrence rates were significantly higher in atypical meningiomas than in other histopathological variants (p < 0.05). Differences in the mean Ag-NOR numbers between meningothelial and transitional variants in their primary and recurrent tumours were not significantly different (p > 0.05). The results of this study indicates that estimation of Ag-NOPs can be applied in predicting the aggressive clinical behaviour of primary meningeal tumours.PathologyNUCLEOLAR ORGANIZER REGIONS IN MENINGIOMAS