Modulating poly(epsilon-caprolactone) scaffold properties by altering porogen concentration for blood-vessel tissue engineering.
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Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Achievement of optimum scaffold porosity while bearing relevant mechanical integrity and suitable
degradation profile needs to be addressed appropriately for the successful construction of a tissue
engineered blood vessel. Poly[ethylene glycol] (PEG) was used as porogen while fabricating
poly[�-caprolactone] (PCL) tubular scaffolds by solvent casting and particulate leaching process.
Scaffolds were fabricated by varying polymer/porogen ratio from 4:1, 2:1:4:3 to 1:1 for comparative
study. The effect of porogen concentration on scaffold physico-chemical properties including
real time degradation in PBS at 37 �C was studied using two reference molecular weight PEGs
(3400 and 8000). Wall thickness and tubular consistency of cast scaffolds were found to improve
with increasing PEG content. Analysis using micro-computed tomography (�-CT) revealed majority
of pores to lie between 12–24 �m in size. The concentration of PEG was found to influence
porosity, hydrophilicity, crystallinity and mechanical strength within scaffold systems containing each
MW PEGs. Though considerable reduction in tensile strength was observed for scaffolds with 1:1
PCL:PEG ratio, mechanical integrity of these scaffolds were retained even after one year degradation.
Scaffolds with 1:1 PEG-PCL ratio were found to have better structural integrity, highest porosity,
favourable mechanical strength for blood vessel construction, long term degradation characteristics
suitable for implant applications and good endothelial cell coverage after 3 days static cell culture.
Journal of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. 2014;4(6):450- 58