Developing a smoke free homes initiative in initiative in Kerala, India
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BMC Public Health.
Background: Results of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey in Kerala, India found that 42 % of adults were exposed
to second hand smoke (SHS) inside the home. Formative research carried out in rural Kerala suggests that exposure
may be much higher. Numerous studies have called for research and intervention on SHS exposure among women
and children as an important component of maternal and child health activities.
Methods: Community-based participatory research was carried out in Kerala. First, a survey was conducted to assess
prevalence of SHS exposure in households. Next, a proof of concept study was conducted to develop and test the
feasibility of a community-wide smoke free homes initiative. Educational materials were developed and pretested in
focus groups. After feasibility was established, pilot studies were implemented in two other communities. Post
intervention, surveys were conducted as a means of assessing changes in community support.
Results: At baseline, between 70 and 80 % of male smokers regularly smoked inside the home. Over 80 % of
women had asked their husband not to do so. Most women felt powerless to change their husband’s behavior.
When women were asked about supporting a smoke free homes intervention, 88 % expressed support for the
idea, but many expressed doubt that their husbands would comply. Educational meetings were held to discuss
the harms of second hand smoke. Community leaders signed a declaration that their community was part of the
smoke free homes initiative. Six months post intervention a survey was conducted in these communities; between 34
and 59 % of men who smoked no longer smoked in their home.
Conclusions: The smoke free homes initiative is based on the principle of collective efficacy. Recognizing the difficulty
for individual women to effect change in their household, the movement establishes a smoke free community
mandate. Based on evaluation data from two pilot studies, we can project that between a 30 and 60 % reduction
of smoking in the home may be achieved, the effect size determined by how well the smoke free home steps
are implemented, the characteristics of the community, and the motivation of community level facilitators.
Smoke free homes, Secondhand smoke exposure, India, Community-based participatory research
Nichter M, Padmajam S, Nichter M, Sairu P, Aswathy S, Mini GK. Bindu VC, Pradeepkumar AS, ThankappanKR. Developing a smoke free homes initiative in initiative in Kerala, India. BMC Public Health. 2015;15(1):480.